Welcome to Film by Winston, an independent film production studio based in Philadelphia, PA. Our focus is simple: we're dedicated to creating engaging and relatable stories that resonate with audiences. At Film by Winston, we prioritize character-driven narratives, carefully crafting stories that leave a lasting impact. Our approach emphasizes innovation without losing sight of the core art of storytelling. Choosing Film by Winston means choosing authentic narratives and memorable characters. Explore our projects, support our vision, and be part of a studio that values the genuine power of storytelling and entertainment. 
"SCOUNDRELS" stands as the next compelling feature film by Film by Winston. Delving into the lives of Vince and Billy within the Keystone Syndicate, the narrative unravels through a rookie mistake which pushes them to the brink. Scheduled for production in 2024, we aim for a release within the same year. To contribute to the production and help us bring this film to screens, click on the link below. Your support is crucial in bringing "SCOUNDRELS" from concept to reality!
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